frequently asked questions

upgrade your life, one habit at a time

Wellbeing is personal and subjective to each and everyone of us so the pace that you choose to progress through the Habits for Health programme is down to you.

We have included the answers to some of the commonly asked questions below:

Can I pick and choose what modules I learn about?

Yes! We have our signature 12 week programme and an option to pick and choose the modules that matter to you. You'll still get access to our bite-sized sessions that are backed by the latest behavioural change science.

How fit and healthy do I need to be to start Habits for Health?

It doesn’t matter where you are at in terms of fitness or your own personal wellbeing journey. It also doesn’t matter what age or gender you are – the programme is designed to be all-inclusive and benefit everyone.

How long do I have access to the Habits for Health Programme?

Once you have purchased or activated a gift voucher you will have access to the Habits for Health programme for 12 months. You can go through the programme as many times as you want or revisit specific modules that have resonated with your goals during the access period.

Do I need to download an App to my phone?

No! Our Habits for Health Programme can be accessed from any digital device, just log in via our website. Don't worry we won't charge you for a monthly subscription or auto-renewal. You'll have access to the Habits for Health programme for 12 months.

Habits for Health programme on mobile and desktop

How much does the Habits for Health programme cost?

The Habits for Health Programme costs £75 and provides you with access to the programme for 12 months. This one-time fee gives you a full year of guidance and support. We also offer £75 gift vouchers for the programme as well 

Will the programme help me lose weight?

While the Habits for Health Programme doesn't directly focus on weight loss as a primary goal, creating positive lifestyle habits often leads to weight management benefits for many participants. It's important to remember that individual results may vary. Habits for Health focuses on long-term sustainable habits that can benefit your overall health and wellbeing, and weight loss can be a positive side effect for many participants.

How will Habits for Health fit into my busy schedule?

The Habits for Health programme was designed to fit into the lives of those with a busy schedule. The programme offers practical tips and strategies for incorporating habit upgrades seamlessly into your daily routine. Remember the 1% progress experiments are designed to inspire lifestyle habits whilst identifying barriers that maybe holding you back, boosting your self awareness. Either way, it's a win-win!

Explore the habits for health modules

  • Nutrition

  • Movement

  • Lifestyle

  • Mindset


Optimal wellbeing isn't a destination but a way of living. The lifestyle modules include Sleeping For Success, The Happiness Blueprint, and Resilience and Mental Fitness.  

The Habits for Health programme doesn't just promise a temporary boost. It offers a permanent upgrade to your lifestyle by providing you with the tools and resources to build sustainable habits for a happier, healthier life. 


Free live webinar


You're not alone! Join our free monthly webinar to take control of your health, one habit at a time.

By implementing small changes in my day-to-day routine I am not only sleeping and feeling better but have managed to lose almost 10kg in a 14 week period. I would definitely recommend this programme.


Habits for Health graduate

It was 12 weeks that will help me for the rest of my life. It was invaluable and I will now have this learning forever. It’s like having a superpower. The programme has turned my life upside down in a great way and restored my work-life balance


Habits For Health Graduate

Ready to take control of your habits for good?