Wellbeing Age explained

WHAT IS a WELLBEING AGE® assessment?

Wellbeing Age® is a snapshot assessment of your biological age.  Your biological age is how old your cells are, whereas our chronological age is how long you have existed.  Knowing your Wellbeing Age® enables you to better understand your own health and wellbeing. 

Ageing is a leading risk factor for disease

Understanding your biological age will help you to counter the negative changes that can occur with ageing.

Research has proven that tackling your health is easier when we have an easy and definitive way to track our progress.

Wellbeing Age


The Wellbeing Age® assessment is calculated by cross-referencing smoking, blood pressure, heart rate, BMI and sleep. It captures objective metrics at the time you complete the snapshot assessment.

There are certain activities that may affect your score - see below: 


  • Caffeine consumption
  • Rushing before measuring your health metrics
  • Chronic stress or illness
  • Medications

  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Sitting for 1-2 minutes before measuring your health metrics


Our unique algorithm is centred around chronic inflammation and longevity research. If any of your readings are outside the ideal ranges our algorithm will calculate the increased inflammatory risk to your longevity and subsequently add years to your Wellbeing Age®.

It’s important to note that the reading is a snapshot of your overall wellbeing at that exact time. Certain health metrics can naturally fluctuate throughout the day and after certain activities, for the most accurate result we recommend sitting and practising deep diaphragmatic breathing for 1-2 minutes before you take your readings.

The Wellbeing Age® score enables you to better understand your own wellbeing. The following parameters can be used when assessing your score:

Under 5 years
 You’re doing well. Keep up the good work
5- 10 years
There is room for improvement
Over 10 years
 Changes to your lifestyle will help your wellbeing

The Interactive Health Kiosk will only provide a Wellbeing Age® score for those aged between 18-65 years. If your Wellbeing Age® is higher than your actual/chronological age it is because one or more of your health metrics (blood pressure, heart rate, BMI, sleep and smoking) falls outside the ideal range for that specific health metric. Wellbeing Age® and biological age work on similar principles – how your cells and tissues are currently functioning

e.g. someone with chronic inflammation due to lifestyle habits will have cells and tissues which function older than a persons chronological/actual age therefore increasing their wellbeing/biological age.

  • Why is my Wellbeing Age® score so high when I do lots of exercise and eat a healthy diet?
    There are many other factors that can cause chronic inflammation in the body which will increase certain readings. Chronic stress, not enough sleep, illness, emotional trauma and even exercising too much without adequate recovery can all negatively influence your readings (health metrics).
  • What is the meaning of biological age and chronological age?
    Your chronological age and biological age might not be the same. Chronological age is the number of years you’ve been alive, while biological age refers to how old your cells and tissues are functioning based on physiological evidence. Wellbeing Age® is a snapshot assessment of your biological age without doing invasive or blood tests.
  • Can my score change at different times of the day? 
    Yes, the Interactive Health Kiosk captures a snapshot of your overall wellbeing at that exact time. Certain readings will naturally fl uctuate throughout the day and after certain activities. For the most accurate result we recommend sitting and practising deep diaphragmatic breathing for 1-2 minutes before you take your readings.
  • Why is my biological age higher than my chronological (actual) age?
    If you fall outside of the ideal ranges for any of the above health metrics, this will add additional years onto your result. Smoking, whether current or in the past will also have an adverse effect on your biological age.
  • Can my Wellbeing Age® score be lower than my actual (chronological) age?
    No, on the Interactive Health Kiosk the best score you can get is your actual age. 


Progress not perfection  

As soon as you implement positive lifestyle changes and habit upgrades, changes to your aging journey will start to take effect. Download our Optimal Wellbeing Checklist to experiment with foundational wellbeing habits and improve your nutrition, mindset, movement and lifestyle. The key to staggering longterm results is small daily progress - which optimal wellbeing habit will you commit to experimenting with?

Remember optimal wellbeing is the most selfless thing you can invest in because when you fill up your own energy, resilience and fitness cups – it’s inevitable that you’ll inspire others to fill theirs too!

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