What is wellbeing? Wellbeing (a state of wellness) is a force for life. The idea of maintaining a state of ‘wellness’ has been around for centuries in various forms. In modern times, it is often described as simply feeling good.
Wellbeing refers to a state of being healthy, happy, and comfortable, both physically and mentally. It encompasses a sense of contentment and satisfaction with your life, and a positive outlook on your personal and professional experiences. It is influenced by a range of factors, including physical health, social relationships, work-life balance, and personal values and beliefs. Maintaining and improving your ‘state of wellness’ is important for overall health and happiness.
There has been an increased interest from the world of science in the benefits of wellbeing, with a focus on how it can bring improved performance in the workplace. Not only does the health and wellbeing of employees directly correlate to higher levels of productivity and engagement, but it also helps to reduce absenteeism and staff turnover. The main concept in the workplace is simple – happier staff work smarter – and this ultimately makes almost any business more successful in the long term. Individual employee happiness can be affected by a huge number of factors including mental condition, work-life balance, family life, stress levels, tiredness, job satisfaction and many more.
So what is wellbeing?
The World Health Organisation states that wellbeing is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
It is our belief that wellbeing is a multifaceted term that describes the healthy, contented and prosperous condition we all aspire to. It can be used to describe a person, a community or a workplace and is applicable to both our physical and mental health. As well as representing the most effective way of ensuring positive outcomes in our lives, it could be argued that wellbeing is one of the goals of human endeavour. Ultimately, it is important for ourselves, our family, friends and fellow workers and is a vital component that allows us all to flourish in all aspects of life.

what is wellbeing and how do we Achieve Optimal Wellbeing?
For us to achieve optimal wellbeing, we have to encompass every element of wellbeing in order to feel the best we can and to live our very best life. Wellbeing People’s mantra, ‘progress not perfection’ is about taking small steps to turn unhealthy habits into good habits. This doesn’t mean going on a crash diet to lose weight, or rushing to the gym to get a six-pack or reach a peak of cardio fitness. It’s about looking at our whole self and changing our mindsets to work towards a positive state of wellness.
The winning formula for long-term transformation is simplicity – it’s the small things we do every day that make a difference.
Our Habits for Health Programme teaches people how to upgrade their mindset, nutrition, movement and lifestyle habits. The online programme is a highly engaging, easy to follow, 12-module process that fits into even the busiest of lives.
Wellbeing is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. Most importantly, it’s about how these five elements interact - Tom Rath
So to conclude what is wellbeing..
We realise that wellbeing is not a singular destination but a continuous journey, a linking of physical, mental, and social elements that contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life. It is the pursuit of a balanced existence where individuals cultivate resilience, nurture positive relationships, and prioritise self-care. By recognising that wellbeing is an active and evolving concept empowers us to embrace personal growth, adaptability, and the pursuit of happiness. By acknowledging the interconnected nature of our physical and emotional health, we can make informed choices that contribute to a more enriching and satisfying life. Ultimately, wellbeing is a deeply personal experience, and its essence lies in the conscious effort to lead a life that aligns with our values, aspirations, and a sense of purpose.
Workplace Wellbeing
Narrow the search for your next wellbeing initiative and discover the Wellbeing People approach to workplace wellbeing.