Advanced Wellbeing age assessment
The Advanced Wellbeing Age® Assessment provides valuable insights into how employees’ lifestyle habits may be impacting their current and long-term health. It goes beyond traditional health screening by revealing an employees’ Wellbeing Age®, which reflects their body’s internal health by assessing 10 key areas.
make your team's health a priority
A data driven approach
Make it easier for your employees to focus their wellbeing efforts and kick-start health awareness across your business.
These non-strenuous assessments include balance, strength, movement, blood pressure and heart rate.
Covering sleep, smoking, sitting, stimulants, social engagement and stress.
Wellbeing Age® is not merely the addition of the effect of each assessment. Our unique algorithm works out the effects that they have on each other either positively or negatively.
Our assessment extends beyond the individual benefits as it equips your organisation with insights into the overall health of your workforce without compromising individual employee privacy.
You'll discover which lifestyle choices are adding years to your employees' Wellbeing Age® to craft effective future initiatives.
Ready to find out more about our Advanced Wellbeing Age Assessment?
Advanced Wellbeing Age Assessment reviews
“The exercise has generated a lot of positive talk about health. Your Wellbeing Age is a good ice breaker and I think a number of people have taken the advice seriously. A very positive experience as an individual and my site."
"Very good experience with easy and accurate instructions to follow and very rewarding feedback.”
“Very helpful at explaining the lifestyle factors that contribute to health-related ageing."
enquire about our Advaned wellbeing age assessment
Because wellbeing is not just about eating well and exercising; it encompasses everything from stress levels, social life, and hormone balance, to mental health, sleep patterns, and even your sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Frequently Asked Questions
Our expert Wellbeing Coaches can deliver up to 15 assessments per day, per coach. To discuss your organisation's requirements please do not hesitate to contact us via our enquiry form or call our team on 01622 834 834.
Wellbeing Age® is a unique algorithm to measure longevity and optimal wellbeing. It is calculated by cross-referencing the results of the 10 assessments Stream, Strength, Structure, Spark, Smoking, Stress, Stimulants, Sitting, Sleep and Social. If any of the readings are outside the ideal ranges for your employees' age then our algorithm will calculate the increased inflammatory risk to the individual's longevity and subsequently add years to their Wellbeing Age®.
Wellbeing Age® and biological age work on similar principles - how cells and tissues are currently functioning e.g. someone with chronic inflammation due to lifestyle habits will have cells and tissues which function older than a person's chronological/actual age therefore increasing their wellbeing/biological age.
Biological age calculations are more accurate predictors of longevity as ageing is a leading factor for disease. Understanding biological age will help counter the negative changes that occur with ageing whilst empowering individuals to make informed and specific decisions to kickstart their health and stride towards optimal wellbeing.
Wellbeing is not just about eating well and exercising; it encompasses everything from stress levels, social life, and hormone balance, to mental health, sleep patterns, and even your sense of purpose and fulfillment. Our Advanced Wellbeing Age® Assessment provides several benefits for your organisation as it makes it easier for employees to focus their wellbeing efforts and kickstart health awareness across your business.
We offer an online appointment booking service with reminder emails along with a full marketing pack including posters, e-invites and shareable graphics that have been designed to be included in your company newsletter and company intranet pages.
Want to take your employee support to the next level?
Consider our online video calls with expert coaches. Get in touch with our team to explore this option. It's a fantastic way to prioritise your employees' health all year round as they can check in on their lifestyle upgrades!