Searching for that elusive work-life balance?

Discover how Wellbeing® Ambassador, Anna-Marie found her work-life balance.

We'd like to introduce Anna-Marie with the title of "wife," "mum," and full-time employee of Golding Homes, Anna-Marie is no stranger to a busy lifestyle. She admits, "I'm like a Duracell bunny, I never stop." 

When Anna-Marie heard about the Habits for Health® Programme, she knew there was something that needed to be addressed in her life. "Apart from feeling exhausted and my clothes not fitting, there were no other indications that something was wrong," she says. Anna-Marie's main motivation was to find a balance between her work life and home life that many of us strive for. "I was aware that I wasn't spending enough quality time with my family, and that although things appeared normal, there was a lack of connection."

Watch the full interview below:

Elevate Your Business by Investing in Your Employees' Wellbeing

Golding Homes is an award-winning housing association in the South East region which owns and manages over 8,000 homes across Kent. As part of their wellbeing strategy, they have championed a number of employees to act as wellbeing ambassadors within the business. 

Wellbeing Ambassador training is designed to empower individuals to inspire and educate others within your
organisation and further enhance your corporate values. The training programme allowed Golding Homes employees to become advocates for wellbeing, helping to raise awareness and understanding across the organisation. It gave them the skills needed to communicate effectively and provide support and guidance to their peers.

By promoting a culture of support, respect and trust within the organisation, Golding Homes is creating an environment in which employees can thrive and reach their full potential.

Since completing the Habits for Health®Programme, how have you personally benefited?

It was 12 weeks that will help me for the rest of my life. It was invaluable and I will now have this learning forever. It’s like having a superpower.

The programme has turned my life upside down in a great way and restored my work-life balance. Every evening after work when I had completed a session with our Wellbeing Coach my husband and sometimes my daughter would watch the video again. I bought them on the journey with me. I also shared my learning at Golding Homes with my colleagues. As a family we would do the 1% progress experiments together. We introduced putting our phones away at meal times, no electronic devices after 8pm, walking for 10 minutes after our evening meal and even had a competition about who could come up with a recipe that would contain the most vegetables. We made it a challenge and a game. This really helped us connect as a family; we now go to badminton together once a week; my husband and I retook up dancing; I joined a choir; I also now belong to our local community Orchard. The Recalibrate Wellbeing® Programme has enriched our lives together and this learning then inspired me to become a Recalibrate Wellbeing® Ambassador at Golding Homes.

What has the impact been at Golding Homes?

I have just taken several colleagues through the Habits for Health® Programme as an Ambassador and it has been a great success. Colleagues have put themselves first with their health and wellbeing. They have introduced new habits from a personal trainer to planning their allotments. I encourage movement medicine and have even set my team a goal to complete it every 40 minutes and have introduced 10 minutes of mindfulness a day. This programme also fits perfectly with the culture of our organisation. Golding Homes has introduced ‘Think Shirley’ training for all staff. This training is based on the Mary Gober ethos using mindset, language and a tool kit to help us serve our customers and colleagues by providing excellent services. We also have our Golding Gold Standards which outlines the behaviours that we want to see in our colleagues and Leaders – a positive can-do attitude; bringing your whole self to work and encouraging a growth mindset.

We now have a waiting list for the next ambassadors to take another group through!

what are the benefits of a wellbeing ambassador in the workplace?

Having a dedicated Wellbeing Ambassador in the workplace can bring numerous benefits to both employees and the organisation as a whole. This role serves as a bridge between management and staff, focusing on promoting a positive and healthy work environment.

From organising wellness programs to providing resources and support, a Wellbeing Ambassador plays a crucial role in enhancing employee wellbeing and job satisfaction. By encouraging a work-life balance, fostering mental health awareness, and promoting initiatives, Wellbeing Ambassadors help create a workplace culture that prioritises the wellbeing of its employees. Through their efforts, organisations can experience increased productivity, improved employee engagement, reduced stress levels, and a sense of community among employees. 

Our Wellbeing® Ambassador Training is a one-day course for employees, or existing health champions, who have successfully graduated from the Habits for Health® Programme with virtual coaching.

Discover our Wellbeing ambassador training

Recalibrate your workplace wellbeing with our ambassador training and watch your team flourish.