Christmas should be a time of merriment and joyous celebrations. A time when families and friends come together and have the most wonderful time! Well, that is what we all aspire to and in reality, it is an idyllic vision of how we would like Christmas to be. We have an idealised perspective and expectation that sets us up to fall short of perfection… because if we don’t achieve the perfect Christmas Day, then we may feel we have failed!
We believe that taking care of your mental wellbeing is just as important during the festive period as your physcial wellbeing. Stress is a body’s natural reaction to change, whether physical, mental or emotional. However, if stress is not alleviated it will build on itself making us feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. And increased stress levels can lead to more serious physical and mental illnesses. So making sure our stress levels are kept in check is so important, particularly around this hectic and pressured festive period.

1. Share the load – delegate! Sharing the household duties with the family and not thinking that we are some sort of ‘superhuman’ will ease the burden of the amount of extra work that has to be done. With the kids off school, get them involved in the preparations too, or that prooves too much, look out in your area for holiday workshops for kids.
2. Be present – Be present and let go of the past and future. It is ok and perfectly normal for adults to see and do things differently. Exercising tolerance and stepping back from argumentative situations will ease the way for a happier time; it is just a day or two, maybe more, but in the grand scheme of things it is short lived.
3. Cut back on lavish gifts to ease the financial burden – make it known in plenty of time to family and friends that you are cutting back this year! Lower their expectations before the big day arrives and put the emphasis on being together and enjoying each others company.
4. Take a walk outside – lower your stress levels by stepping out into the fresh air. If things get too much, go outside, breath deeply and take a few moments to be calm. Increasing our intake of oxygen is thought to affect the levels of serotonin released in the body which helps us to relax and feel happier.
5. Manage drinking sensibly! Drink water before, during and after drinking alcohol – it will help lower consumption and keep you hydrated! Don’t drink on an empty stomach as alcohol absorption will be more rapid!
And finally and most importantly, look after yourself
It is pretty inevitable to have an increase in stress at Christmas but the good thing is that we can do something about it. Taking care of your own physical and mental wellbeing doesn’t have to be pushed aside or be difficult at this time of year.
By embracing self-care, setting realistic expectations, and incorporating relaxation techniques, we can ensure a more fulfilling and happier festive season. Remember that the true essence of Christmas lies in the connections we make and the moments we share with our loved ones. By nurturing our wellbeing, we can create lasting memories and really savour the magic that this season brings.
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References and further reading