Recalibrate Wellbeing Testimonials

Inspiring stories of how the Recalibrate Wellbeing® Programme has changed lives

Our mission is to empower as many people as possible to live their best lives by instilling natural vitality, sustainable behavioural change and healthy longevity. Take a look at the wellbeing testimonials and feedback from recent graduates of the Recalibrate Wellbeing® Programme

“Empowering! I thoroughly enjoyed the 12-week course. I learned a great deal about myself and how to optimise my own physical and mental wellbeing. Our coach Grant, helped us expertly navigate the course, and I would definitely recommend it to all my friends and family”  Elliot, Dover CC

“I have recently finished the 12-weeks with a coach and a small group of colleagues. It was the best thing I have done in a long time. It was very motivational, thought provoking and tailored to each individual’s needs and wants. Working in a small group, we were able to feed off each other’s experiences and ideas – and still do! Our coach was so uplifting and inspirational. she was genuinely keen to show us the way forward. Each week, you take another step in your personal journey. I’ve started mine – why not do the same? Thank you Wellbeing People” Nikki Boyd, Honda

Thank you to Grant and the team. The Recalibrate Wellbeing programme really helped to support me to make some healthy changes to my lifestyle that are sticking with me. The course was really friendly and well run, I am missing the Wednesday get-togethers now they are over and the chance to compare notes. I am feeling much happier, healthier (and hydrated) for taking part. Totally recommend this to people who struggle to make changes that last and want to be happier and healthier”  Emily Barnes, Dover CC

“Thanks Grant, this was a brilliant course and I really enjoyed it. I have completed the test and look forward to using all of this positive energy to spread the wellbeing message to others, encouraging and supporting them on their own journey”
Andrew Hatzfeld MAPM, VINCI Facilities

“This course really opened my eyes
with loads of great tips and really good information on health and wellbeing. I now prioritise my wellbeing and I feel that it’s a life changer. I really enjoyed this
course, it was well presented and I learned so much. You really get the sense that they care about wellbeing and helping people to better their life and get the drive
and motivation to make changes for the better. I would recommend this course to everyone”. Driver, Metroline

“Mia and I won our recognition award this month for our contribution to wellbeing on site. We created a food bank for anyone struggling during the cost of living crisis. We have filled it with non-perishables and have placed it in the canteen for use by those that may need it.

We also set up a health check-up day and we have named this “fine fettle Fridays”. We have provided a blood pressure machine as well as an oximeter for blood oxygen levels and scales that link to an app and give you all kinds of information surround your health. We have undergone a training course on taking and understanding blood pressure readings however we are refraining from giving out advice that cannot be easily found on the NHS website.

With the £100 vouchers we will both receive for winning this award, we have decided to buy a water filter as the guys only drink bottled water. With this we will be able to reduce our waste production, keep down costs of buying 30+ bottles of water every day and reduce the potential for single use plastics.

We have also decided to invest in a dart board to enable the guys to have a little bit of fun within a dedicated area during break times.

All based around the training received and understanding the importance of our actions and the amazing impacts these can have” Vinci Recalibrate Wellbeing Ambassador

“At almost 72 years I never really expected to experience much from the 12-week course except losing a few pounds, how wrong was I?  This course has changed me both physically and emotionally.  It has enabled me to take stock of my life by making me think of the things I do day to day and encouraging me to make simple changes.  I am now happy and healthier and also content, a new way of living has been opened up to me and I am eternally grateful to Wellbeing People. If it can do this for me it can do it for you, go on. give it a try!” Lorraine Myers

“I have just completed the 12-week Recalibrate Wellbeing Programme via Wellbeing People and would recommend it to others. It particularly suited me as a busy person who wanted to start prioritising their wellbeing. The sessions are accessible with just enough challenge to ensure you make achievable changes, working towards your long-term health effectiveness. The support of the wellbeing coach and the group makes the whole process enjoyable and attainable” Anonymous

“I have taken on board so many strategies and ideas which I am aiming to gradually implement into my life. The messages that you and your teams at Wellbeing People promote really resonate with me and honestly just appreciate it so much” Sammy, Foster & Partners

“First of all, thank you for inviting me to participate again on the course which I attempted during lockdown courtesy of MNOPF.  The timing of that was Thursday at 10 or 10.30, and most weeks I was busy doing other things eg walks or else I forgot.  The upshot was that I missed more than I got. 

However I did the final session which summarised the course. This time round I definitely appreciated the conditions being set out to 1. Prioritise progress 2. Attempt 1% progress experiment 3. Reflective thinking

And I did just that.  The timing of Pip’s sessions was perfect too.  And for me these sessions were essential as well as informative.  I am sure I would not have got so much out of the course if I had been doing it purely online.  Apart from one session when I really was not well I joined the breakout groups at the start and this was a great idea, fascinating to hear and see people from different parts of the country and also to compare our week’s progress.

Some of the sessions I did find difficult, all new to me.  Others I could understand more easily.  But I think people coming from different backgrounds and knowledge would find some sessions more challenging, out or each person’s comfort zone.

The quiz at the end of each session was an excellent idea.  Sometimes I did have to go back to my notes and check, but there was a sense of achievement when I passed!  And then the follow-up email with handouts was excellent.  These handouts will be so useful to me in the future.  The one I particularly like is “The Optimal Wellbeing Habit Checklist”.  This sums up the whole course perfectly.  And I thought the wording was good – Step 1 Experiment the foundational wellbeing habits and Step 2 Address other habits with curiosity and compassion.

In my first feedback, I was asked what fees might be charged. I had no idea and popped in some low figures.  As I have now finished and benefited from the course, I would like to amend my estimates.  This 12-week course should have a fee of £200 minimum.  It would be worth every penny.

Thank you for letting me re-do the course.  I hope this feedback will help you in planning future courses” Diana

“The course is excellent, a great pace and so informative (on a scientific level as well as an inspirational level). Although my own journey through the programme has given enlightenment and awareness,
or rather reaffirmed what I was starting to realise, particularly my mental health. The programme has articulated what I was starting to feel but could not put into words. So, a million thank yous to Pip Lawrence for this. Plus the science behind it is brilliant and taught in a logical way without being overly complicated, and just makes so much sense! For me that is
what started to push me along – my brain knew it was logical and made sense, which gave me the strength to start ignoring the ‘sugar craving monsters’, tackle the ‘hanger monsters’ and recognising what peace and mindfulness actually feel like” Sam Smith, Metroline Service Delivery


The Recalibrate Wellbeing® Programme was designed to provide individuals with tools, resources and belief needed to achieve sustainable change. Through a carefully crafted 12-week course, participants learn how to put themselves at the centre of their own wellbeing journey. It uses the four foundational wellbeing cornerstones of mindset, nutrition, movement, and lifestyle to inspire small daily changes that can bring about transformational results.

Through this programme, individuals can increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence, boost their culinary confidence, optimise energy levels, mobility and immunity, and understand the main disruptors in our modern world. The Recalibrate Wellbeing® Programme provides invaluable support to help individuals make meaningful changes to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

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